
ISO 14001: 2016 and OHSAS 18001: 2008

Environmental protection and occupational safety policy – we hold ISO 14001: 2016 and OHSAS 18001: 2008

Our goal is to be among the best in the field of printing and further processing of printed materials and always satisfy customer requirements, especially the quality of products and within the set deadlines. The management wants to achieve the above goals as well as the personal commitment and activity of all employees, as well as the continuous improvement of management processes and increasing the professional qualifications of all employees.

We are committed to continuous improvement of the integrated system and meeting its and other requirements.

The basic philosophy of our company in the field of environment and occupational safety is the following motto: “We are an integral part of the society and we are aware of how we interact with our surroundings and employees. We think that even a small impact on the environment and the fulfilment of all requirements in the field of occupational safety is of fundamental importance, and every step in this direction is justified. ”

We are committed to pollution prevention. We are committed to complying with legal and other regulations and requirements in the field of environment and occupational safety.

We include in our business activities aspects of increasing safety, health protection at work and improving fire protection. We are improving working conditions in order to reduce the risk of the workplace. We provide job training and competencies of all employees so that they can perform their duties, regularly once a year for existing employees, and when a new employee joins, our company provides training in the principles of occupational health and safety.

The company openly discusses the state of health and safety and fire safety and its improvement with the company’s employees. We comply with and control all measures resulting from legal legislation and other applicable requirements and thus prevent potential risks of accidents at work. The company is constantly improving safety care, employee health protection and fire protection.

As a confirmation that we are proving our words and deeds, in the summer of 2011 we obtained certificates confirming both the introduction of environmental management ISO 14001: 2005 (currently defended ISO 14001: 2016) and the introduction of occupational health and safety management ČSN OHSAS 18001: 2008.

ISO 18001-2008